compounding pharmacy

What is a Compounding Pharmacy?

College Pharmacy is an elite compounding pharmacy that provides patients with access to custom medications when commercial products aren’t available.

In 1938, when the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act was passed, very few dosage forms were available, and pharmacists compounded more than 250 million prescriptions annually. Nearly all of those prescriptions were compounded from bulk materials. Through the years, technical advancements in compounding equipment have allowed pharmacists to meet the growing needs of patients.

Today, a custom compound is prepared from pure, pharmaceutical-grade raw materials in accordance with a physician’s prescription, based on an individual patient’s needs. The basis of the compounding profession of pharmacy has always been the “triad,” the patient-physician-pharmacist relationship. Through this relationship, patient needs are determined by a physician, who chooses a treatment regimen that may include a compounded medication. All ingredients of compounds meet strict guidelines to ensure safety and purity.

Custom compounding prescriptions requires a trained staff of pharmacists and technicians to prepare compounded medications to strict standards, using the right equipment, and specialized processes and facilities.

Did you know that 30 to 40 million prescriptions are custom compounded each year? Why? Because each patient’s health and wellness needs are different. Some reasons you might need a custom-compounded medication:

  • The medication you need for your condition is discontinued.
  • You are allergic to a preservative, dye or binder that’s part of the medication you need.
  • You need a tailored dosage strength of a medication (for example, infants need lower dosages).
  • You can’t take the medication you need in the form in which it’s readily available (e.g., pills are difficult to swallow).
  • You need to change the flavor of the medication you require so that you, or your child or loved one, can take it.
  • You need a new treatment when other readily available ones have failed.
  • Your pet needs a medication that must be compounded.

If you feel you could benefit from a custom compounded prescription, College Pharmacy is here to help answer your questions. We will work with your healthcare practitioner to find a solution to your health and wellness needs.

What is Custom Compounding?

A customized medication prepared by a pharmacist according to a doctor’s specifications to meet an individual patient’s need. Pharmacists make medications from scratch using raw materials, powders and devices.

Preservative-Free and Allergy-Free Formulations

We are usually able to compound medications without the excipients and preservatives found in most commercial preparations. Suitable replacements free of color, starch, yeast, sugar and preservatives can usually be formulated.

Discontinued Medicines

Hundreds of medicines are voluntarily withdrawn from the marketplace each year. A needed treatment may not be available due to a small market share or lack of profitability. A compounded replacement may be possible.

Dosage Variation

A tablet or capsule may need to be converted into a liquid, suppository, cream, or gel form. The exact dosage, or the ideal dosage a patient needs, may not be commercially available. Compounding can usually provide any dosage form the patient needs.

Medicines Not Commercially Available

Many formulations will never be commercially developed due to difficulty in obtaining patents and lack of market demand. Compounding allows for medical treatments that otherwise may not be possible.

Formas de dosificación personalizadas y composición estéril

College Pharmacy’s comprehensive compounding experience and state-of-the-art facility allows us to compound both traditional and advanced dosage forms. College Pharmacy’s compounding practices are both USP 795, 797 & 800 compliant. These are the standards which must be followed to ensure safe, quality compounds. Our testing protocol includes: potency, sterility, endotoxin, and fungal testing. Our sterile formulations are compounded in a state-of-the-art clean room and compounding lab that was recently renovated.

Servicios de preparación de medicamentos estériles

La siguiente lista es una pequeña muestra de categorías de inyectables estériles compuestos. Póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente para obtener información adicional sobre las formulaciones, el tamaño, la potencia, las formulaciones con o sin conservantes y los precios.

  • IV Protocols (Myers’ Cocktail, Super Immuno, Gaby Formula, etc)
  • Vitaminas
  • Minerales
  • Aminoácidos
  • Chelation Therapy / Heavy Metal Detox
  • Hormonas
  • Antioxidants
  • Proloterapia
  • Escleroterapia
  • Hormone Pellets

Además de nuestros servicios de composición, College Pharmacy también suministra inyectables comerciales a los profesionales de la salud y a los pacientes. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que, por ley, las farmacias de preparación no pueden preparar aquellos artículos que están disponibles en el mercado.

Formularios de dosificación personalizados

Una de las ventajas de recurrir a una farmacia de compuestos para satisfacer sus necesidades de prescripción es la variedad de formas de dosificación disponibles. Mientras que las rutas tradicionales de administración oral están disponibles, las formas de dosificación avanzadas pueden aumentar el cumplimiento del paciente y la eficacia del tratamiento. La siguiente lista incluye una muestra de algunas de las formas de dosificación que College Pharmacy compone.

Fused Pellet Implant: Inserted subcutaneously every 3 to 5 months. This route provides very constant hormone levels. Pellet implant formulations include: Estradiol, Testosterone, Biest, Pregnenolone, Progesterone, DHEA, Testosterone / Anastrozole.

Sublingual Tablets: Sublingual tablets are conveniently placed under the tongue for sublingual absorption and are not subject to first-pass metabolism by the liver.

Percutaneous Gel: The skin acts as a reservoir, slowly releasing hormones from its microcirculation into the main circulation continuously over a 24-hour period. Percutaneous Gel is extremely hypoallergenic and compliance is very good due to its common once-a-day dosing.

Ejemplos adicionales de formas farmacéuticas compuestas:


  • Geles y cremas PLO
  • Cremas tópicas
  • Gel espeso
  • Supositorios (rectales y vaginales)
  • Ungüentos
  • Cápsulas de polvo y aceite
  • Spray y gel nasal
  • Gotas sublinguales
  • Gotas oftálmicas
  • Sprays tópicos
  • Bálsamos labiales
  • Lollipops
  • Polvos nebulizados
  • Chemical Peels
  • Soluciones
  • Suspensiones
  • Enjuague bucal
  • Emolientes
  • Cápsulas orales

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