Nutritional Supplement

Seven Supplements For Better Health & Wellness

紀元前400年、医学の父と呼ばれるヒポクラテスは、"あなたの食物をあなたの薬とし、あなたの薬をあなたの食物とせよ "と言いました。しかし、彼の食べ物は栄養が枯渇した土壌で栽培されたものではなく、食品添加物の入った加工食品も食べず、副作用や栄養枯渇の性質を持つ抗生物質や処方薬も飲んでいませんでした。簡単に言えば、彼の食べ物は私たちの食べ物より優れていたのです。


Seven supplements that should be the basic foundation of any supplement plan.


  • Multi-Vitamin / Mineral: Needed to compensate for depleted soils, processed foods, poor diet.
  • Probiotics: Supports the immune and digestive systems, integral to natural vitamin production, detoxification.
  • Vitamin D3: Helps maintains strong bones. Promotes glucose metabolism, neuromuscular function, overall health.
  • Antioxidants: Best formulas include vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Reduces oxidative stress, destroys free-radicals, may slow the aging process.
  • CoQ-10: Responsible for cellular energy, potent antioxidant, cardiovascular benefits.
    Essential Fatty Acids: Fish or Plant Derived. Essential in hormone balancing, neurologic and memory function, mood, cardiovascular health, thyroid health.
  • Liver Support: Liver health is key in allowing your body to cleanse and detoxify. Look for formulas with milk thistle, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine.

Nutritional supplements can interact with medications and certain physical conditions. Make sure to talk to you healthcare practitioner or pharmacist prior to incorporating any new supplements into your diet. For additional information about supplements and to speak to a pharmacist about incorporating supplements into your diet, contact College Pharmacy directly. You may also visit our online store for more information on the products listed above.

